Film Review

 Today I showed my friends dad my film so far. I am not completely finished but it's enough to critique. I first showed him the whole thing. Then I went portion by portion to see if he thought I should change anything. He said he liked the first music audio I used. Then he noticed some of my clips in the beginning were too light. So, I looked at all the filters I could apply to make it look more cohesive and saw one called vignette. Then he saw my title scene. He did not like the font, he said and I quote, "It looks like it came from a soap opera." This is not what I was going for. So, I let him look at all the fonts on iMovie. He didn't find any others that he liked so he told me to keep the one I have now. I suggested that I could go on a different website to look at other fonts but he said its fine. After that he said he didn't like the audio I used in the second half. He said it sounded too comical and if they lived in a "trap house". I found that funny and agreed. I let him listen to other audios but he liked that one I used for the title so I may just continue it. He liked it because it was dramatic. Then he suggested I add a clip in between the family gathering and the detective knocking. We brainstormed and came up with a clip of them calling 911. I am so glad he gave me critique because I want this to be as perfect as it can be.
