What My Titles Are Going To Look Like

 I have three types of titles for my credits: names (including the producers companies), title, and time.


Font: "Noteworthy Bold" I find this font fitting because the film has an aspect of the victim writing in a diary and this font resembles handwriting. I decided on bold instead of regular so that it's easier to read.

Size and Color: The size is going to be 50, just big enough to read but it doesn't block anything. The color will most likely be white so that it doesn't blend in the background, I plan on making my scenes dark and minimize lightness. The company names will be 80 sized because they are typically bigger than the actors names.

Transition and Location: The transition in which it will appear is called "Gravity", this makes the letters appear as if they were falling out of thin air, then they just fade away. The location of these titles will be in the lower left corner to make sure they don't cover anything. The company names however will be in the middle.

Time: All of the titles will appear one at a time. The name titles will show for 3 seconds.



  • The title of my film will be called "Dagger"

Font: The font is called "Zapfino" and looks fancy which I think is good for a title credit.

Size and Color: The size will be 185, the biggest size because the title is the main credit and I want to make sure the audience doesn't miss it. The color will either be white or red, Red to resemble blood, but if it doesn't look good then I'll stick with white.

Transition and Location: The transition in which this title will appear is called "Reveal" and looks like a fade type transition in which it will fade in and out. It will be in the middle of the screen.

Time: It will show for 4-5 seconds, I believe it's not too short and not too long.



Font: The font is called "Courier New" because it is similar to time shown on a watch.

Size and Color: The size will be 94 so that it's easy to see but not too big. The color will be white.

Transition and Location: The transition is called "Date/Time" it looks like a black box in the bottom left corner and is perfect because it is designed to show the date and time while fading in and out.

Time: It will be shown on the screen for 2.5-3 seconds which is enough time to read everything but not take too much screen time.



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