Title Research: Nobody
I looked at the opening scene of the movie Nobody on youtube.
What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?
The opening scene began by listing who produced the film as well as other companies associated in the film. These credits were on a black screen with white text. Then the main character was doing his stuff and the names of the actors started to appear one after the other. Then it started listing the casting directors, who made the music, the costume designer, editors, production designers, executive producers, and producers, in that order. After that, it ends with the title of the film and the writer after that.
What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?
The opening scene shows the main character after all of the action that takes place in the movie. Essentially the opening scene happens in the future. It shows the character beat up and lighting a cigarette and then continuing to pull cat food, a can opener, and a cat out of his jacket in a calm manner.
What connotations do these images carry?
It showed a beat up man in a interrogation room doing random things with the detectives looking at him funny, asking him who he was and then it cut to the title of the movie: "Nobody." The audience knows this happens in the future so it leaves them wondering how he got there. It leaves the audience intrigued and confused. This is a good way of catching the watchers' attention.
How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset?
Initially the acting leaves a sense of wonder. In the thriller genre there is always some sort of mystery. The lighting of the scene is also dark and takes place in a lonesome room which fits a thriller description. The use of specific props also could be interpreted that they were key into getting where he is now, which alludes to the mystery side of thrillers.
What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?
The use of simple and small font appeals to a general audience because no one wants the titles to be in the way of the actual film. The strategy of leaving the audience guessing appeals to thriller fans because they want to see the end of the situation.
How has technology been used effectively?
The camera used shows very good quality, the close up in the beginning of the scene shows the damage done to the characters face. The score used also syncs up to the first clip when the note matches the time the clip shows up. Slow tilts are used to follow the pace of the scene. Jump cuts are used but not too harshly, again to follow the slow pace of the scene. Most of the scene was edited in slow motion as well.
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