Genre Research: Knives Out

 I am going to take inspiration from Knives Out because it is a murder mystery, like my plot. However, it's a different, out-of-the-box movie, which is why I like it so much. It takes place in an old creepy mansion, owned by a wealthy old man, and it begins with his murder. I think I am going to do the same thing, set the setting and immediately show the murder scene. The lighting of most of the scenes, especially those that take place inside the house, is dark, which follows the generic thriller lighting concept. There is a detective, which is also another given, and his costume is very detective-like, a formal, black and white suit with black suspenders. I like the formalness detectives in murder mysteries typically wear and I think I will try to incorporate that. The music is also very foreboding, the use of violins in a slow tempo lets the audience know something is going to happen, which I enjoy. This movie uses many jump shot with close up and long shots to establish the area, mostly inside the house. A zoom is used on the murder victim when someone finds him. Dollys are also used to establish the setting. Close up of the characters faces let the audience see their facial expressions and makes the audience want to be their own detective and find out whos guilty. The costume of most of the characters is formal, because they are wealthy, however I think I am going to make my actors dress casually. Medium shots are used when the detective is interrogating the suspects, this is a nice detail. The prop used as the murder weapon is a knife, there is a chair that is decorated with knives which is the focal prop, and this goes along with the title which I believe is very clever. There are many props in this film that may seem not important but the director included them for a certain purpose, I don't think I am going to go that in depth but I can appreciate it. This movie is a Thriller/Comedy, he acting is very happy and full of jokes which I do not want to incorporate in my film, I want the actors to seem guilty and sad. Now with editing, in the opening scene a slow mo is used to set the scene, this gives the film an ominous effect. A Pan is used to sweep the setting, this lets the audience get a better look at the whole room. Overall, this film is very detailed oriented and fun to watch, and I will take inspiration from some aspects, but I will not incorporate the humorous side of the movie.


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