Genre Research: Bird Box

 Bird box is a thriller movie, but not a murder mystery. The opening scene begins with a fade from black and shows a river (one of the settings), then a voiceover starts then matches to the person talking. A jump cut is used to introduce the person talking. A close up is used on the person talking as well. The background of the plot is that the scenario is apocalyptic and there is a being that will kill anyone that looks at it. My plot doesn't have this type of storyline but it will follow along with the tenseness this film has. The main costume in this film is a blindfold and winter attire, I think it goes along with this storyline but I will not do this in my film. The opening scene is a flash forward , I appreciate this to give some idea of what the actions in the past are going to lead to. I cannot do a flash back because I don't have enough time. I notice many jump cuts are used to show the surroundings, this I will possibly use. A two shot is used when the character is driving/in the car. The character witnesses something creepy/unsettling and acts scared/frightened. I will make sure my actors do the same when witnessing murder. The lighting is normal or sometimes slightly dim. I think I will use dim lighting in most of my shots. A dolly is used to follow the car. Then the score goes on and is a loud almost alarming sound and gets louder and louder. I think the getting louder and louder creates a disturbing effect and makes the audience feel something is wrong. I enjoy this score because it adds to the weirdness and scariness. There are many characters that are side characters but are well-known. I am going to have the same thing and they are going to be my suspects. The acting is this film is continuous alert and being frightened. There is rarely any smiling or laughing. I want the same thing for my film to establish that it is not humorous. There is also no makeup, heavy makeup at least, and I think there isn't any use of makeup to show everyone naturality. Overall, this film is amazing when creating a suspenseful vibe and I will try my best to achieve the same for my film.


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