Final Me

 My name is Ariel Pickholtz and I am an AS level media studies student. I go to Fort Lauderdale High School. I like my school because it provides many interesting courses, like media studies. I had a ton of fun filming my previous projects so I think I am going to enjoy working on my final task. However I am worried that I might be overwhelmed with all the factors that come with the final task. I am worried that I will do one small thing wrong that can affect the entire project. But, knowing me, I will get everything done to my greatest potential. I am excited to research different genres to see which one I like the best. I'm also excited to see what conventions are used in the genre I pick. I think I am leaning toward romance or thriller. I recently watched Fear Street Part 1 and thought it was very interesting. I love romance films, they are probably my favorite type of films besides comedy and action. I think a murder mystery may be cool but it takes a lot of development. My grandpa is a filming guru so I may go to him for advice. My grandpa has his own filming studio with a green screen, many cameras, ect. I've recently been watching a lot of film and I've noticed that sometimes characters have a color assigned to them, which can itallisze their personality and I may incorporate that into my final task. I've noticed so many things as I watch shows or movies since I have been in this class. I find it easy to tell what type of shots and editing they use. I am excited to do this project. I think I will impress myself once it is finished. 


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