Doing It Myself

 I have decided to work alone once again. I have realized it is easier that way. It is too much of a hassle to try to make plans with group mates because everyone has a certain schedule. I think working in a group would add to my stress load, which I do not need. I enjoy working by myself because I tend to be the boss and only like to do things my way. Also, I do not live near my school unlike my eligible teammate, and I don't have a car so the transportation would be tricky. If I need actors I can use my family and my friends that live close to me. I can boss them around easily. I also have social anxiety and that doesn't work well with groups or crowds. In social situations I tend to go in the corner and be quiet on my phone. Anyways, I also think getting everything done myself makes me feel accomplished. I don't want to be that kid in the group that takes credit for my group mates work. I can already see problems with having difficulties filming because I have no storage on my phone but I will most likely use my boyfriends phone. His phone is better any way, it has a better camera. At the moment I am not sure what exactly I want my film to be about. I will most likely ask my friends and mom for some inspiration. I'm not sure why the idea hasn't struck my brain yet because that usually happens. Hopefully it will happen soon. I don't like working in groups but if I have questions I feel safe to ask my peers and brainstorm with them. I am excited to see how I progress while working on this assignment.


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